22. apr 2010

d-EMO demo(n)

Kogu album ühe ZIP toimikuna:
(toimikuid haldab: )


Alternatiivsed plaadikujundused (kliki piltidel piltide kuva suurendamiseks):



Hallõgija / The Great Grey Shrike from Chintis Lundgren on Vimeo.

Director & animator: Chintis Lundgren

Composer & sound designer: Kristjan Raidna

Voices: Inge Ting, Kristjan Raidna


The Great Grey Shrike is a strange wildlife-story about the very peculiar manners of the great grey shrike, the common cuckoo, starlings and other birds.

Täitsa jabur loodusfilmiline lugu hallõgija, käo ja muude lindude üsna kummalistest elukommetest.
